Hi I'm Manuela of riklan designs. Thanks for visiting my website today.  Pop by from time to time to see all of my latest creations.  This is only the beginning.

Love and appreciation to ALL!


Manuela Wedow

artist | spiritually guided paintings

with love, appreciation and support, possibilities are endless: shine your light!

Lilith:Feeding her soul through meditation. Unwavered by all that goes on around her. Open to ALL that the universe offers. Grateful, energized, grounded, excited…Blessed.My first spiritually guided painting, November 2016 ~ shifting my painting wor…


Feeding her soul through meditation. Unwavered by all that goes on around her. Open to ALL that the universe offers. Grateful, energized, grounded, excited…Blessed.

My first spiritually guided painting, November 2016 ~ shifting my painting world forever!

my story

Manuela, aka: Manny, was born and raised in North-western Ontario, Canada.  Always knowing her connection to all that is, she followed her heart and trusted her inner guides exploring her journey of life, love and creativity.

In 1992 Manny began painting as a hobby. In 2008 riklan designs was born as a window painting business.  Inspiration for the business name came from combining her children's names, Rikel and Dylan.

“My children are talented, beautiful souls, who inspire me daily.”

In 2011 Manny and her husband Steve moved to S.E. Saskatchewan. Having some experience in computer graphic design Manny secured employment at a local newspaper. The world of graphic design became a new passion. Through this work experience she expanded her creativity in designing ads, business cards, posters and postcards.

In 2015 returning home to family and friends in Thunder Bay Manuela found a new community in art and like minded people.

In November 2016 after participating in an art class, “Painting as a Spiritual Practice” with Angela Gollat, Manuela’s new found connection to self expression through painting was birthed. Lilith revealed herself, changing Manny forever. (Lilith painting above) This painting serves as a reminder of her new, amazing, creative and soul connecting journey. 

"It's all about surrendering and allowing the creativity to flow from within."

Manuela’s paintings are very much a reflection of her life.  “We all have our challenges in life and if we try to approach everything from a place of love, then we will always be connected to the beauty that surrounds us.”

Each painting is an expression and process of self awareness and expansion.  It is her greatest desire that these creations may serve others, as they have served her.

In May 2018 Manuela realized the completion of her 10 piece "Dream it" collection. Like many of us, Manuela had to find strength and confidence to move forward with her artwork and dive into the unknown…hosting an Art Show! Her message to everyone is, “Follow your passion! Shine your light! Be all that you can be! Creativity has no boundaries and no age limit. It’s always there, waiting for you whenever you’re ready to tap into it. Do whatever you need to do, to bypass your fears or doubts ~ sweet things are waiting for you on the other side...trust and believe in yourself!"

Manuela loves her Himalayan Singing Bowl. She has certificates for level 1&2 of Sound Healing with a single bowl. This bowl goes almost everywhere with Manuela, they’ve been on hikes, visiting beaches, rivers and even Barbados! The bowl can do wonders to bring you to a whole new level of relaxation and this is important to Manuela because it’s from this relaxed state that she receives guidance and really good ideas…like this special project she is working on right now. (to be announced at a later date)

Manuela is a believer in the Law of Attraction.  She feels blessed to have a community of beautiful friends who share talents and gifts to enhance and uplift.  In 2021 Manuela started a new Art Gallery Tour in Thunder Bay. “Tbay Drive-by Art Gallery” is an event where artists set up galleries in their own yard and the public takes the tour for free. An idea that came about during the pandemic when another artist, that Manuela follows on Instagram, posted a picture of her artwork on display in her front yard because a gallery event was cancelled. The “Tbay Drive-by Art Gallery” event is in it’s 3rd year now and is very well received by both the artists and the art lovers. It’s a great concept that allows all artists to show and sell artwork from the comfort of their own yard. Anyone can join the open group on facebook. This is the main hub for anyone wanting to show/sell artwork and for anyone wanting to support local artists.

“I know there’s a lot of talent in Thunder Bay and there are so many artists that simply store their artwork. I believe that artwork needs to be out there… breathing, so to speak. I want to give every artist an opportunity to overcome their fears by showing their artwork and shining their beautiful light! I want to Paint the Town!”

“Thanks to my mom, Margarete Blauth, for all of her love!. (passing recently on April 15th 2023) Her strength and guidance has always inspired me to be more confident.  I’m honoured to be your daughter.  Thanks to my stepdad, Josef Litterscheid, a collector of art, Joe has always encouraged and appreciated all of my creations.

Thank you to my birth father, Gerhard Blauth, may you rest in peace, October 7, 2017.  We are closer now, than ever before. Together we painted No. 7 "Unconditional Love" from the “Dream it Collection”...one of my most enjoyable pieces to paint!  There's nothin' like love and forgiveness to heal a heart.

I thank my husband, Steven Wedow, and my children, Dylan & Rikel for all your love and support. My heart is filled with so much love having you in my life. ~ So very blessed, thank you!”

With love, appreciation and support, possibilities are endless.
Shine your light!
— manuela wedow