



Amazing Vibes Artwork No. 34

24x24” | Acrylic on Canvas, with pendant | November 1, 2021

This one took a long time to show up! Lot’s and lots of gorgeous layers, earning the title: Evolution.

A reminder of our lives and the many layers of life experiences we have had. One day we’re strolling along heading in the direction of our desires and the next day our path is completely different.

Such is life and from each and every experience we evolve.

“Evolution” ~ can’t stop it ~ just gotta flow gracefully from one experience to the next ~ trusting the sun and the moon will return each day and night.

I evolve through my artwork. My artwork is a blessing and I’m inspired to pass it on. My appreciation is in the realization of it all.

Loving the magical, mystical vibes in this piece!

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