Flow the Energy


Flow the Energy


Amazing Vibes Artwork No. 27 | November 2020

12x24” INK: Archival Grade High Permanence Pigment | print on demand, allow 2 weeks for delivery.

Imagine what needs to line up before a big beautiful wave can even happen. I think about how this relates to so much more in in life as we are all in the flow of something. The galaxy, the sun, the air, the seasons, even our heartbeat has rhythm and flow… and especially energy! It’s similar to the thought of setting yourself up for success. Set positive intentions, imagine best-case scenarios, feel your way to successes and accomplishments…these are ways to Flow the energy first before moving forward.

The Law of Attraction, Abraham Hicks inspired artwork. How to follow your inspired thoughts and take inspired action. Abraham Hicks. Jan 20 2019, YouTube

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